As Christian adults, we have a moral and legal responsibility and are entrusted by God with the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of minors and vulnerable adults.
As they participate in activities within or sponsored by our Diocese, it is our responsibility, and commitment to provide an environment, which is safe and nurturing.
The Safe Environment Program {SEP} is an important aspect of our Parish service to the community. The SEP is mandated by the Diocese of Dallas and requires that each volunteer be cleared through a standardized process.
Who needs to be Safe Environment trained?
Safe Environment Screening procedures are to be used with staff and volunteers who work directly with minors and vulnerable adults. Other volunteers who must follow the screening procedures are ushers/greeters.
Note: You must be a registered member of St. Anthony Catholic Church and attend Mass regularly before starting the Safe Environment process.
Because of the serious nature of allegations of child abuse and sexual misconduct by church personnel, including volunteers, all diocesan personnel must be informed about diocesan policy on the prevention of any such abuse and the procedures that are followed when reports of child abuse or sexual misconduct by church personnel are received.
The Catholic Diocese of Dallas has a program to reduce the risk of abuse in order to:
To become a cleared volunteer at St. Anthony's, you must attend a Safe Environment training class, contact Terry Amaro at the Church office, or you may complete an online Screening Form.
To complete the online Screening Form go to
Fill out your:
• Personal Info
• Address Info
• Phone Info
• Ministry Info (Volunteer)
• Location Info (St Anthony's Catholic Church)
• References
Finally, read the Policy Acknowledgement and the Social Media Policy Acknowledgement. When finished, click SUBMIT. Your completed Screening Form will automatically go to the church where you will volunteer.
All previously cleared adults must update their training once a year.
To keep your cleared status current:
1. Go online
3. Call Safe Environment Coordinator, Terry Amaro at 972-442-2765, to set up a time to come into the office to watch a safety video.