St. Anthony Homeschool Group is a group of families, faithful to the Magisterium, who are dedicated to teaching our children to love to learn and to embrace our Catholic faith in our daily lives.
We offer support and encouragement for parents through meetings, Bible study, social events, and e-mail updates, as well as many academic, spiritual, athletic, and social activities for our children.
We welcome all families who are currently homeschooling to become involved in our group. Our members are also happy to be of assistance to others who are interested in learning more about the many options that are available to us.
In his Letter to Families, Pope John Paul II wrote: “Parents are the first and the most important educators of their own children, and they also possess a fundamental competence in this area; they are educators because they are parents.” We strive to fulfill our duty as primary educators through our work at home and supplemental activities with this group and in the community.